Arkansas Votes Demo

Welcome to the landing page for the Arkansas Votes Project, which aims to offer Arkansas election returns by county from 1836-1980.

Project Status

As of July 2019, the project has compiled election results from 1836-1926 for the offices of President, House of Representatives, and Governor. These data were drawn from the Arkansas Gazette, Journals of the General Assembly of the State of Arkansas and various reference compilations.

Nexy steps are to improve website functionaly with filters for congressional districts and data download options as well as enhancing the database structure to add election source citations and links to source documents.

Explore Election Results

These are proof-of-concept pages still in active development.

About the Project

This pilot project was funded by an Arts and Humanities Seed Grant from the Office of the Vice Provost for Research and Economic Development in 2017 (now Office of Research and Innovation).

Grant recipients include:

Consultants for the project include:

The project team is deeply grateful to Professor Williams and to his research assistants, Michael Bohlen and B. Jared Pack.

Contact Us

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